• e-age24.info@asren.net
  • +962 6 437 0369


The Tunisian Computing Center al Khawarizmi (CCK) in Tunis, Tunisia will host e-AGE24, the 14th edition of the conference. CCK, as the operator of the Tunisia National Academic Network (RNU), is dedicated to fostering innovation and collaboration in computing and information technology and encouraging the use of digital technologies in academia and science.

e-AGE24 is coming with "Innovative NRENs: Adapting to Trends" as the main theme of the conference and all activities will be centered on it. The conference aims to rethink the role and values of NRENs in response to emerging challenges and trends, providing a platform to explore how NRENs can go beyond their traditional functions, embrace innovation, and adapt to the evolving needs of research and education communities.

e-AGE24 will feature high-level participation, including leaders from Arab countries and representation from national, regional, and global organizations, to explore science cooperation and foster a science dialogue through robust technological infrastructures and an open environment.

e-AGE24 comprises three main conferences:

e-AGE24 Conferences e-AGE24 Conferences

14th ASREN Annual Conference

Focuses on NRENs, infrastructures, services, sustainability, technologies and security

4th Arab Science Cooperation Summit

Covers science dialogue, science cooperation, science communities, education, research, SDGs global priorities, and community-based services

2nd Arab Event on Open Science

Discusses Open Access, Open Science, Open Science Clouds, and data regulations


01 October 2024 - Abstract Submission Deadline
31 October 2024 - Acceptance Notification
15 November 2024 - Registration Deadline
30 November 2024 - Final Submissions
11-13 December 2024 - e-AGE24



Stay tuned for updates on the daily sessions at the conference

09:00 – 11:00 Opening Ceremony of e-AGE24

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break

4th Arab Science Cooperation Summit

09:00 – 11:00 Science Dialogue

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break

09:00 – 11:00 Discussion on Open Science Clouds

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break



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